It was Marie de Medici who had the Luxembourg Palace built between 1615 and 1630. In 1750, it became the first French museum open to the public, with nearly 200 paintings on display, before becoming in 1818, the “museum of living artists” Where Parisians can discover the creations of painters like David, Ingres or Delacroix. After many years of sleep, due in particular to the creation of other museums in Paris but in 2000, the Senate decided to remake the museum a living place and it is a success because the Musée du Luxembourg is again an essential place of the Parisian cultural life. A place apart, which has no permanent collections, but organizes, twice a year, exhibitions, always exceptional, by borrowing from French and foreign museums to create thematic exhibitions, or by resuming exhibitions presented in the other European capitals: Pissarro, Titien, Fragonard, Cézanne, Cranach or the Italian Renaissance and the Tudors have thus passed by.